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Cherry Juice for Gout and Foods that Cause Gout
[size=4][b]Symptoms Produced by Kidney Stones - Understanding Gout Symptoms and Treatments[/b][/size][hr]The problem with gout is that in most of the cases it is a misunderstood disease. Gout is caused by the increase of the uric acid crystals in the joints or in the surrounding tissues. Gout develops various symptoms that usually involve pain. These symptoms may include warmth, swelling and extreme sensitivity of the affected joints. In more than 50 % of the cases big toe joint affection is seen in gout patients. This is the most common problem when it comes to gout.

The most commonly medicines used are NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) and colchicine. Both treatments help ease the pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The difference between these two possible ways of treatment is that colchicine may develop unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps.

[size=large][b]The First Phase of Gout Means an Episode that Happens At Night[/b][/size][hr]People often feel the symptoms during the night and caused pain to the affected joints. In some cases the attack follows a day of excess in alcohol, food or drugs. After progress the attack develops fever and chills along with pain. In more than 90 % of the cases these episodes are recurrent and might develop during the first year. Even if it is certitude that chronic gout cases are rare we have to mention that there is a risk of developing kidney dysfunctions and kidney stones.

[list][*]As we mentioned before gout is caused by the increasing levels of uric acid in the fluids of human body.[*]The uric acid crystals are deposited in joints, tendons and kidneys and may cause serious damage and severe pain.[*]Order to prevent gout attacks specialists recommend a healthy diet low in purine.[*]Alcohol should be avoided because it has a major influence in initiating attacks.[*]If symptoms are noticed it is recommended to seek for professional help.[/list]

[size=large][b]There are Known Two Types of Gout, Primary and Secondary[/b][/size][hr]The first category includes more than 90 % of the gout sufferers. When uric acid is elevated in response to some other health problem such as kidney disease we can say that it is a case of secondary gout. Reading all this about Purine is sure to help you get a better understanding of Purine. So make full use of the information we have provided here.

Quote:[list][*]There are many reason that can cause a gout.[*]The main risk factor in a gout case is the levels of uric acid that one has in his/ her body.[*]This increased levels can be cause by many factors, and diet is one of those.[/list]

[size=large][b]Certain Types of Foods Have in Their Composition Purine[/b][/size][hr]These compounds are known to rise the levels of uric acid. In turn, uric acid is what cause a gout. So, if you stop eating such foods, or at least try to reduce the number, then you can prevent gout attacks. Here is a list of foods that are high in purine, thus leading to gout: bouillon, brains, goose, sardines, dried vegetables, shrimp, heart, liver and many others. These are just some of the foods to avoid if suffering form a gout, or if you are one of those people susceptible to a gout. Furthermore, alcohol is also known to do a lot of damage in gout cases. Try to avoid as much as possible drinking alcohol, especially beer, if you want to lower the number of gout flares. If you can avoid the purine foods and alcohol, you will surely feel a difference in the number of gout flares, as well as in the gout signs. Levels of uric acid can also be risen by sugar and fructose. So if you want to control your gout case, then try to avoid them as well. We were rather indecisive on where to stop in our writings of Gout Info. We just went on writing and writing to give a long article.

[size=large][b]So, as You can See, Medication is Not the Only Way to Go If Suffering from a Gout[/b][/size][hr]Some people even say that drugs are not so very useful in gout cases. Because gout is a condition that has long lasting effects, other "treatments " must be used besides medication. It is the normal style of writers to add additional information with the intention of lengthening the length of an article. However, we have provided a short and concise article with only required information on Gout.

[size=large][b]Cherry Juice or Cherries is Also Good for Preventing Gout Flares[/b][/size][hr]So eat at least a half pound of these fruits to better manage your gout. It does not matter what kind of cherries you eat. All cherries are beneficial in gout cases. Cherry juice is also believed to be very good in relieving some of the gout symptoms, although this has not been proven yet. So as you can see, this tiny fruit can do a world of good in your gout case. There are also some other changes that you have to make if suffering from gout. Besides the dietary modification that you should do, some lifestyle changes must be done as well.

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RE: Cherry Juice for Gout and Foods that Cause Gout - by dougspears - 08-28-201603:51 PM

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